We want to invite you to the exhibition Congo in Limbo by a famous photojournalist Cedric Gerbahaye and meeting with the artist, which will be conducted by Adam Mazur. The exhibition is a part of this year Meetings with the World.
The exhibition will be opened on 20 November 2011, in the BSCC Gallery (Old Town Hall, 33/35 Korzenna Str.) at 6.00 pm by Anna Zalewska – a curator of the exhibition and Krzysztof Miękus. Exhibition will be open until 12 of December, 12.00 am – 6.00pm, admission 1 zloty.
Meeting with Cedric Gerbahaye will be conducted by Adam Mazur on 25th of November in Bourgeois Room of City Hall, at 5.00 pm.
Congo in Limbo (2007)
Since 19th century Congo constituted a property of a Belgian king, subsequently it became a Belgian colony. In 1960 Congo regained independence, but the chances for stabilization and development were disrupted by civil war. Soon neighbors were tempted by rich natural resources - deposits of diamonds, cobalt, gold and copper. More than 50 years passed since historical moment of regaining the independence and Democratic Republic of Congo is still afflicted by internal and external conflicts during which 4 – 5 million of people died…
Congo seen by Cedric Gerbahaye is a country in abeyance, in waiting room between heaven – promise of independence and democratic land and hell – created by bloody inhuman war. It is a world of violence, where rapes and sexual abuses became weapon of fight. The world where people are deprived of childhood, where young boys are given guns and they are taught how to kill. The world, where people are forced to flee and they are resettled to the rhythm of erupting conflicts. However we will not see fight or blood in Cedric Gerbahaye’s pictures. We will see common people. In their eyes fulfilled by sorrow we can see story of suffering, which is taking place here and now, when world is silent…
Anna Zalewska - curator of the exhibition
Congo in Limbo cycle brought the author the international recognition and 7 prestigious awards. It is undeniably one of the most valuable photographic materials, dedicated to African countries, which were created last years. 60 pictures and one video material will be presented in NCK Gallery.
Cedric Gerbahaye
A famous Belgian photojournalist. Since 2007 member of prestigious French l’Agence VU. In 2002 he turned his interests to the Middle East. He analyzed, how the Oslo Accords had influenced on Israeli – Palestinian conflict, he worked in Hebron and Gaza. He was also interested in the problem of Kurdish minority in Turkey and Iraq. In 2006 he received a distinction from Charleroi Photography Museum, in 2007 was awarded by Bayeux –Calvados Awards for Gaza: summer rains. He visits Congo regularly since 2007. He received 7 awards for cycle Congo in Limbo, for instance World Press Photo, POY, The Best of Photojournalism, Amnesty International Media Award and Scoop International Festival of Angers. Cedric is currently working about new publication dedicated to situation in Sudan. The newest cycle is Land of Cush – South Sudan.