Urbanists, city planners, activists and media are invited to a conference in Kiel
“Urban Transformation through Art and Culture” conference is happening in July 4 -6 in Kiel (Germany): a gathering of urbanists and city planners, artists, researchers and academics, students, community organizers, politicians and activists, to explore the key aspects of taking a cultures and arts perspective in urban strategies and practice. Speakers include Charles Landry (UK), the author of “The Creative City,” “A Toolkit for Urban Innovators” and other publications, Lia Ghilardi (UK,IT), urban sociologist and cultural planner and the founding director of Noema Culture and Place Mapping, Trevor Davies (DK), the Director of Copenhagen International Theater, Solvita Krese (LV), the Director of the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art as well as Rūta Stepanovaite (LT), the Director of the Kaunas Artists’ House and the Chair of the UBC Cultural Cities.
The aim of the three day conference with workshops, speeches, panel discussions and urban city walks is to experience, sense and feel how urban transformation can be triggered by artistic and cultural actions.
Keynotes will provide the theoretical cornerstones of the conference, while nine breakout sessions and workshops will engage participants in different angles of cultural planning: including artistic action and transformation, participation, engagement and activism, as well as more policy and planning related strategies and models. Panel discussions will provide new perspectives, give new insights to trigger change. A practical approach to cultural mapping will be experienced through specific city walks, which are designed and conducted in cooperation with the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design (MKH), the City of Kiel as well as with other networks, working at the intersection of art and design and urban society. Eight cases of Art and Culture driven Social Innovation from neighborhoods in the BSR Region will be presented and discussed.
We have invited experts from several countries, especially from the Baltic Sea Region, to create a forum of knowledge to inform, inspire and provoke the debate. We hope the conference provides a setting in which participants can engage and explore how to make a difference, creating a momentum for sustainable change.
The three-day event is a part of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme project “Cultural planning as a method of social innovation” (UrbCulturalPlanning) The goal of the UrbCulturalPlanning project with 14 Project Partners in 8 countries is to promote cultural planning in the Baltic Sea Region as a method of social innovation. The project runs from January 2019 to June 2021.
To see the agenda of the conference and more information as well as find registration for it, please go to www.cultural-planning-kiel.de