18:00 - 20:45 Baltic Movie
St. John's Centre in Gdańsk, 50 Świętojańska Street
Screening of “Wilczyca” with original narration by Dorota Masłowska and debate titled “To hear the picture. About sound in films from the North”
18:00–19:45 screening of Marek Piestrak’s film “Wilczyca” with original narration by Dorota Masłowska

19:45–20:45 Debate: “To hear the picture. About sound in films from the North” with Paweł Juzwuk and Jan Topolski; led by Magdalena Świerczyńska-Dolot

About the film:
Mid-19th century, Austrian Partition. A veteran of national liberation struggles returns home to witness the tragic death of his wife. Soon his orderly life will turn into a nightmare… a classic Polish horror or an off-the-wall movie from the fringe of national film industry? We invited Dorota Masłowska, a legend of Polish literature and independent music scene, to help resolve this dispute. In her narration, Masłowska conducts a grotesque dialogue with the film. She comments, adds and challenges, offering viewers a completely new angle. The story from a borderland between dream and reality takes an unexpected shape, reaching the limits of fear and… ridicule.
Wilczyca (dir. Marek Piestrak, Poland 1982, 1998)
About the debate:
What do movies from the North sound like? During the discussion, we will go deeper across the layers of sound, learn what the job of film score composer involves and the secrets of the selection of accompanying music. But above all, we will explore interesting phenomena and trends of film soundtracks from our part of the world.
Marek Piestrak - director, screenwriter, iconic figure of Polish cinema. Among his works are Klątwa Doliny Węży (Curse of Snakes Valley) (1987), called the “Indiana Jones of the Eastern Bloc”, Test Pilota Pirxa (Inquest of Pilot Pirx) (1979), a sci-fi movie Ridley Scott would not be ashamed of and Wilczyca (1982), an emulation of classic horror film with numerous folklore references.
Dorota Masłowska – writer, columnist, performer, critical observer of the present. Author of Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną (White and Red), Inni ludzie and HAJ$. Constantly pushing the boundaries of linguistic invention, she has proved that avant-garde, ambitious rap fully deserves a place in literature.
Paweł Juzwuk - associated with the media and music industry for over 20 years. He works as a music consultant and supervisor, and advisor for feature, documentary and advertising productions. Co-creator of the soundtracks for productions such as EO, Silent Twins, Inni ludzie and 1670.
Jan Topolski - film and music critic, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the Glissando magazine. He worked for IAM and NINA As an editor and consultant, and a collaborator of Nowe Horyzonty and Młodzi i Film festivals. His articles appeared in Kino, Dwutygodnik and Ruch Muzyczny magazines.
Magdalena Świerczyńska-Dolot - professionally associated with radio and sound. President of the Audionomia Foundation, she also heads the Reportage editorial team of Radio 357. Reporter and author of audio guides and podcasts. Co-author of a book for teachers Słuchaj, aby zrozumieć.